Here is the part of the story where the term "Restoration" of the Libelle takes a hike! It's now more like "Pimp" my Libelle, or "Overhaul'n"
Since seeing photo's of ship "1" in Germany (earlier post "Trials and Divine Inspiration"), I knew that I would love to see my bird dressed out like this!
What I've been doing over this past winter, aside from wishing the winter would be over and herald the warm months I need to continue working on this project :
Since seeing photo's of ship "1" in Germany (earlier post "Trials and Divine Inspiration"), I knew that I would love to see my bird dressed out like this!
What I've been doing over this past winter, aside from wishing the winter would be over and herald the warm months I need to continue working on this project :
Over the past five months, I have been saving and scrimping to buy new instruments for the panel. Mostly, I have been liquidating a forty year model kit collection to fund this project.
The original ones were very old and I did not like how the panel seemed crowded. Plus I knew that I wanted a transponder, and I didn't know where I would put it.
Many of these instruments were manufactured in the seventies and could have used radium on the face plate. Frowned upon by the EPA.
The original radio was a Terra TX720 (age unknown), and though it did work, it was on my list to be replaced.
So, it was off to do some shopping!
Just before I was laid off from work, I had ordered a new Winter Mechanical Vario and Airspeed Indicator specially marked for the Libelle and many fittings, which I then had to place on hold.
As soon as I was back on my feet with a new job, I place the order with Paul Remde, and after six weeks the replacements arrived!
Including a new TE Probe to replace the welded
nine-iron (top probe)
OH!, and remember that old Thermos brand capacity flask I found rolling around in the fuselage!?!?
Here is the new replacement!
The next big expense was the Altimeter.
The replacement I bought is rated to 35K, for that Diamond flight ;-) .
And from Wings and Wheels, the replacement for the old voltmeter, The GT-50 which has a G-meter, Timer, and Voltmeter.
The instruments I did keep was the Borgelt B40 Audio Vario and the Whisky Compass,
Now it was Streifeneders turn!
Damn!, did Germany received an infusion of US dollars from me!
Aside from the replacements of corroded bearings and GRP bushings, I also ordered the correct color grips for the airbrakes and landing gear, which will replace the old black grips. I also ordered replacement tow release handle and a replacement for the rudder pedal adjustment.
Now comes the creme-da-la-creme!
(Look'n Interesting!)
..... and the Carbon Fiber Winglets!

All that is left for the panel is the replacement radio and the transponder.
And finally, the last items for the glider would be the oxygen system and the landing gear warning kit.
Now back to work! ..... I understand the commitment and sweat equity, but I'm getting tired of sanding ... and the wings keep looking like they are getting longer.