What was done over the second year of work?
The gelcoat was finally removed completely, and the trailer was torn down, sand blasted, repainted, and dropped off to the trailer shop to have the floor boards replaced, re-skinned and a full clam shell lower frame and hinge fabricated. But the cost to do this was higher than the original estimate, and the trailer spent most of the year sitting at their shop until I could afford to pay for the balance of the work that was done, and what is still needed to complete the clam shell lower frame.
I need to mention that a project like this is like all hobbies, it requires money to feed it. I have been on a limited budget that has hindered my ability to move forward at an accelerated pace.
Like last year, we had an early hard cold winter that slowed my progress. But during the winter, I was able to finish painting the cockpit, bulkheads, and seat (to be covered in a future post). I was also able to finish the spar dollies and one mid-wing support (to be covered in a future post).
With tax time around the corner, and hopefully a decent return, I can complete much of the more costly additions, (the radio and O2 system).
Here is a photo of the parts installed in the cockpit today, and a test fit of the fabric pads.

In the months to come, the plan is to complete the installation of the internal components and deliver the glider to Roberts shop to finish the surface cleanup and finally get some paint back on her,
Thank you for those who have been following this blog.