Robert trimmed the canopy plexi and glued it in place.
Before the epoxy cures, the plexi was taped down, and the excess resin squeeze out was removed.The canopy was cured in a warm room for a day before the clean up could be started.

The airbrake mechanism, and bearings on both wings were cleaned up, painted and regreased. The inspection covers were cemented in place, and we were back on track.
Robert began mounting the lower fairings first.

Robert ground away the step near the canopy frame, allowing an easier clean up on the canopy.
Saturday! .. The big moment has arrived, it was time to cut the fairing separation lines between the canopy, wings and fuselage.

After carefully measuring, we determined the correct curve and lines that would allow the wings and fuselage to fit inside my modified trailer.

For the most part, the cutting process went without a hitch, although the curve on the leading edge near the canopy separation line on the frame was a bit rough.

The canopy with the faired edge.
After the canopy was removed, I used the wing assembly tool to see if the wings would separate correctly. With the typical Libelle "clunk", the wings separated from the fuselage.
The next process will be to fill the backings on the fairings and to begin the process of blending them into the airframe.
The next process will be to fill the backings on the fairings and to begin the process of blending them into the airframe.