The trailer episode is still in production, so I decided to give you all an update on the seat pan saga!

So, as you might recall from the earlier post, the seat pan was covered in canvas.

The canvas peeled off easy enough, but the old glue was like rubber cement.
After the glue residue was thoroughly removed using the 3M adhesive remover, It became apparent of the amount of repair there was done to the seat pan using automotive polyester resin.

These old repairs needed to be sanded away and repaired using the proper epoxy resin,

There were some really cancerous looking areas that had to be cut out.

The airbrake notch was the worst, and almost a half of an inch had to be removed before any repair work could be started. (notice the inside lip with the cracked filling.)

After many hours of sanding. the seat pan was prepared for the repairs
I used aluminum tape, per Robert Mudds recommendations to cover any holes I wanted to fill, such as the old screw holes, which were widened and oblong after many years of ware. Also the sharpened opening on the right side for the seat belt loop, and the ware out repair on the airbrake notch.

After the holes were filled with resin and flocking, I covered the bottom with a single ply of 7725 cloth for support.
I re-drilled out the holes, I re-sanded the surface and cleaned for priming and painting

Here is the finished seat pan

Ready to be installed into the cockpit.... The seat back is even nastier!

The question I was asked by Robert after all was said and done was... "what was the new weight of the seat pan.
So.. here are the results of the seat pan weigh in.
The original weight with the canvas was approx 5lbs
After removing the canvas, glue, and old polyester resin, and the finishing clean up, the pan weight was 2.3 lbs
After adding the repairs and single ply of 7725, added primer and paint. the finished weight is 3.5 lbs.
And roberts closing comments were... "Good on you. Extrapolated over the entire glider that is a huge weight reduction....dream on."
Dream on I will!
...... Now back to that trailer!If the weather will give me a break!