Well, the final finishing on the glider has taken a side line turn-around.
Upon Robert's return from Europe, he stated that he has a number of Gliders
that will be coming in for service, and a rep from Slovenia will be arriving to
help over-see the repairs. This means that he will need the shop for all of
these planes.
So, last week, we loaded up the sailplane in the trailer, and Wednesday, I
brought it back home.
I was not expecting the glider to be back home so soon without being finished.
To my surprise, Joseph came up to me last Saturday, and stated that he does
not want this project to flounder. He asked me if I had room in the garage to
work on the wings! The answer, if not, I'll make room!
The garage is now being readied to work on the wings! I hope we will be
working on them next week!
Thank you Joseph for you enthusiasm, your fine eye for detail and dedicated
work ethic!