Robert showed me how to make cart trucks for the cradle, which lowered the storage profile of the glider in the trailer. This was a design used back in the day, and today, with the all metal cradles.
Here is a sample of the simple caster wheel cradle truck.
.... verses my over worked metal one.
After a bit of rework to the cradle, here is the finished product!
New caster wheels,

...... shortened sides, plenty of room on the side to keep the wings from hitting them.
Let's compare .
........ the old style
........and the new style ...
I know that I will be discarding the original rail, which will need to be refabricated to accommodate the narrow wheel base. But I also found that I needed to get the glider further out of the trailer.
Why is it that I get help after I did the work?
I hope those reading this are learning from my mistakes! ;-)
This could save you from wasting a lot of time and money..
So!,... what's next... Oh yeah, time to bob the top of the trailer.