The first thing I noticed was the painted registration and tail letters were blended smoothly into the white paint.
My first task was to add the Libelle logo to the tail, which I had vinyl transfers made at Fastsigns.
The transfers were better than the decals I bought. They too looked like they were painted on.
My next tasks was to rivet the serial number plate back on, and grind down the screw ends in the hat shelf cover.
A happy milestone since the plate was removed four years ago!

I adjusted the release cable under Roberts guidance, secured the turnbuckle with safetly wire, swedged the T-handles for the Release and Pedal adjustment.
I also spent most of the day cleaning the bearings and removing the years of dust and grime that have been collecting on them.

Sunday, I will be finishing getting the antenna reconnected and tested, and continue the clean out of dust and grime build up.
Hi John! I wish you successful first flight and many pleasures with your Libelle. It´s looking great now and I´ve read this blog for several months from time I´ve discovered it until now to see your sweet finish. You´ve done together with your friends amazing job and I guess thant not everybody would be capable of doing such overhaul after discovery of so many badly made repairs and poor maintenance. Thanks your excelent photogalery it was possible to get some insight in Libelle internal design. We have just bought with my friend a Mosquito and it´s quite surprising how much of internal design is preserved from Libelle.
Jindrich, Czech Rep.