Welcome to a work in progress

This blog is dedicated to the restoration and modification of a Glasflügel Standard Libelle H201B, and a tribute to those who have dared to do the same, and to those who are helping with seeing this dream take flight.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Week 4 and we are dancing the same dance, .... again!

Well, it's week 4, the end of 2013, and we are dancing the same dance again! You Remember... one step forward, two, to three steps back!

Joseph has been working feverishly to get the glider ready to paint prior to the week of Christmas, so when I'm off that week, we can finish prepping the glider for paint.

At the end of week 3, Joseph found himself over the barrel on an extreme learning curve. After spending the entire week of smoothing down the top of the right wing, he thought he was done and ready to work on the left wing, but was told that he was close  on getting the airfoil correct. There were some additional tools he needed to verify his work.

So, with the tools in hand, and on the day that I arrived to spend the week working on prepping the glider, we spent two days correcting some minor waviness on the top of the right wing.

By Monday, we were able to start on the left wing, which took the two of us three days to correct same waviness issues.

Joseph worked on the canopy for a few hours to get a break from the work on the wing.. which was making him crazy!

So, where are we? ...

  well....... during the entire week, the temperature outside was too cold, and prevented any serious painting.

Only the application of Feather Fill and primer could be done.
After Sunday December 29th... The right wing is about ready for primer, 
the rudder is also just about ready for primer, and one elevator was primed.

During the week, questions were brought up, and resolved, like how to seal the wing? The question of sealing the break boxes was brought up , and resolved with adding a seal to the lower airbrake pushrods at the airbox junction on both wings. The additional seals will be added after the wings are finished.

That all being said, after a few set-backs, we are now over budget again, with about another 100 or so hours to complete the bird. With winter setting in over New Mexico, the temps will, for the most part be too cold to paint until spring (March'ish).

Joseph and I will continue to work on the odds and ends as I will need to be able to afford a few hours of work here and there.

We are shooting for April as the completion date. Fours years on this project! OUCH!